Parliamentary Elections shall be conducted and regulated on the basis of the provisions of the Law on the Election of Members of the House of Representatives, in conjunction with Sections 62 to 72 of the Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus.
For the purposes of parliamentary elections, the Republic of Cyprus is divided into six (6) constituencies, corresponding to the six administrative districts, and the 56 seats are distributed by constituency on the basis of the number of voters registered in each constituency.
The current distribution of seats by constituency is as follows:
· has reached the age of 21
· Has not been convicted of an offence of dishonesty or moral turpitude or has not been deprived of the right to be elected due to any electoral offence following a ruling issued by a court having jurisdiction;
· is not suffering from any mental illness preventing him from performing his duties as Member of Parliament.
The current electoral system provides for the allocation of parliamentary seats at the 1st distribution on a simple pro rata basis, while in the two phases of the 2nd distribution a qualified pro-rata basis of 3.6 % and 7.2 % respectively is applied.
The ratification of the seats after the final election results have been obtained, shall be carried out in two stages. In the first place the first allocation of seats shall be carried out by the relevant Election Officers of each constituency, followed by the second allocation of seats carried out by the Chief Returning Officer.
The House of Representatives is elected for a term of five years, but it may be dissolved prematurely, by decision taken by an absolute majority of its Members.