For registration on the permanent electoral roll, which gives the right to participate in all national elections and obtain a voter ID card, the applicant must:
(a) be a Cypriot Citizen,
(b) have reached the age of 18, and
(c) be a permanent resident of Cyprus over the past six (6) months prior to the submission of the application.

Young people who have reached the age of 18 by the date of the elections shall also be entitled to be entered on the electoral roll, provided that the application for registration is submitted within the three-month period preceding the election; this also applies to Turkish Cypriot holders of a Cypriot identity card with an address in the free areas.
For the ages up to 25, applications can also be submitted on-line by clicking on the icon below.

Paper applications shall be submitted to the local offices of the District Administrations, the Citizen’s Service Centres (KEP) and the Citizens Centres (KE.PO) located inside the Cyprus Post.

Required documents

(Α) To register on the electoral roll and get a voter ID card issued
· The completed and signed application form to register on the electoral roll.
· A photograph, if there is no recent photograph recorded in the civil registry system (if the applicant presents himself/herself, he/she can be photographed free of charge on the spot).
· In order for someone to be considered to be a member of a religious group (Latins, Maronites, Armenians) and to update the electoral roll accordingly, a certificate from his or her church is required.

If the applicant is above the age of 25,the application may be submitted only to the local offices of the District Administrations and a personal interview shall be conducted with evidence that the applicant has been permanently resident in Cyprus in the last six (6) months prior to the submission of the application.

(Β) For a change of voter’s address
· the completed and signed application form for change of address.
· Voter ID card.
· A photograph if there is no recent photograph recorded in the civil registry system (if the applicant presents himself/herself, he/she can be photographed free of charge on the spot).

· Certification by the Community Leader of the region to which the voter has moved.

(C) For a change of voter’s name and other data
· the completed and signed application form for a change of name.
· Voter ID card.
· Marriage or divorce certificate in the case of women.

· A photograph if there is no recent photograph recorded in the civil registry system (if the applicant presents himself/herself, he/she can be photographed free of charge on the spot).

For any change of data, the relevant certifications should be provided, such as:

· For a change of religious group, a certificate from the church.

· For a change of place of displacement or addition of the place of displacement, a copy of the refugee ID card with a check date later than 1.1.1983.

· For a change of date of birth, birth certificate.

The issuance of a voter ID card and any amendments shall be made free of charge.

(D) To issue a replacement voter ID card due to loss
· Completed and signed application form for the issuance of a voter ID card due to loss.
· A photograph if there is no recent photograph recorded in the civil registry system (if the applicant presents himself/herself, he/she can be photographed free of charge on the spot).
· Issuance fee € 8.54

(E) To replace a voter ID card due to damage
· Completed and signed application form for the issuance of a voter ID card due to damage.
· A photograph if there is no recent photograph recorded in the civil registry system (if the applicant presents himself/herself, he/she can be photographed free of charge on the spot).
· The damaged voter ID card

· Issuance fee € 8.54

The application form can be downloaded here, and you can also obtain the form from the local offices of the District Administrations, the Citizens Service Centres (KEP) and Citizens Centres (KEPO) located inside the Cyprus Post.